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Joanie Pozerski

Board Member

What do you do professionally? 

 I am the Executive Assistant to Marshfield Superintendent Jeff Granatino (hired 7.1.2020) replacing the irreplaceable Ruthann Despier!  But my favorite job is being Mom to 5 amazing kids! 


Tell us about yourself.

 My husband John and I moved to Marshfield from South Boston (I am a true city girl as I grew up in Dorchester) in October, 2020.  We have 5 children: Lauren 26 a BWH nurse and horseback riding instructor, Andrew 24 an EMT working toward becoming a firefighter, Caroline 21 a senior at UMass Amherst majoring in Early Childhood Education, Johnny 18 a 4C at Massachusetts Maritime Academy studying Emergency Management, and Julia 15 a sophomore at MHS who plays field hockey and lacrosse along with riding horses every chance she gets. We also have a Labradoodle Hope and 8 chickens! (Hop, Lemon, Thumper, Pip, Pickles, Spritz, Peep, Dixie).


Volunteering is probably my biggest hobby - along with the MEF, I work on Grad Nite Live, and my personal favorite is organizing the We Are Marshfield Project with my dear friend Marie Kurmin. I also like to go to the beach, read, sew, knit, and crotchet. 


How did you get involved in MEF?

Marie often told me about all of the good things happening at the MEF, and I wanted to be part of it!


What is your role/responsibilities?
I am a general board member and help wherever I am needed. 

What do you like about being involved in MEF?

I LOVE seeing the innovative ideas that the staff come up with like the Anatomage Table table at MHS!


What has been the highlight of your involvement with MEF?

Getting to meet volunteers and teachers who I might not encounter without the MEF. 

What is your favorite memory from your K-12 education?

That was a LONG time ago! Probably going on field trips to places like the Freedom Trail and George's Island with my can of soda wrapped in tin foil.

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